June 10, 2011

A small shopping spree

This week I have had some trips to H&M - and I must say they have some really nice offers now!
Many items are reduced in price and especially their shoes have been reduced and you can really get some good bargains!
I have noticed, that the prices on their web shop is a little higher than in the stores - so if you want to get the best bargains, you should visit your local H&M!
(BTW. H&M have just launched their new web design - personally I think it resembles Topshops layout a little too much and it is not as usable as the old one...)
Here is what I shopped this week on my trips to H&M...
A pair of high heels
Was 250 kr. (34 euros)
Now 100 kr. (13,5 euros)
A bracelet
Was 25 kr. (3,5 euros)
Now 10 kr. (1,5 euros)
A belt
This is not reduced but is very cheap
It is only 39 kr. (5 euros)

1 comment:

  1. the belt is cute!

    kiss eh:voila

